Books in distribution by Publiseer have now been added to Libri, one of the leading book distributors operating in the German-speaking market. Authors on the Publiseer platform now have a vast number of sales channels as Libri is a wholesaler distributor and the central ebook provider for all tolino retailers in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Such tolino retailers include Weltbild, Thalia, Orell Füssli,, and Hugendubel, as well as over 1,500 independent bookstores that are affiliated to tolino via Libri.

Tolino is one of the foremost platforms for digital distribution in Germany, offering a professional e-reading experience to end customers, book publishers, booksellers, and self-publishers. Libri, as a partner of tolino, has contributed to the constant growth of the tolino ebook catalog. In addition to tolino, Libri’s ebook catalog is available to more book and media retailers as well.

Libri is one of the leading book distributors operating in the German-speaking market.

“All our ebook catalog has been queued in for distribution via Libri. This includes all our titles in English and French. All titles are currently being distributed except for titles under the adult genre, which includes erotic books and similar genres,” said Chidi Nwaogu, Co-founder and CEO at Publiseer. “Libri offers our titles for download, and they typically retain 45% of the revenue our titles generate via their platform. Our ebooks can be downloaded directly via Libri or via one of its retailers.”

Publiseer is a digital content distribution company that lets independent African writers distribute and monetize their ebooks and audiobooks across hundreds of online retailers worldwide. Publiseer also helps its writers protect their creative works from intellectual property theft and illegal distribution. As of writing, Publiseer’s services are available to African writers whose works are written in either English or French.